import random

bird_y = 200
bird_y_speed = 0

bird_x = 62
bird_width = 30
bird_height = 25

playing_area_width = 300
playing_area_height = 388

pipe_space_height = 100
pipe_width = 54

def new_pipe_space_y():
    # Removed: global pipe_space_y
    # Removed: global pipe_x

    pipe_space_y_min = 54
    pipe_space_y = random.randint(
        playing_area_height - pipe_space_height - pipe_space_y_min

    # Removed: pipe_x = playing_area_width

    return pipe_space_y

# Removed: reset_pipe()

pipe_1_x = 100
pipe_1_space_y = new_pipe_space_y()

pipe_2_x = 200
pipe_2_space_y = new_pipe_space_y()

def update(dt):
    global bird_y
    global bird_y_speed
    # Removed: global pipe_x

    bird_y_speed += 516 * dt
    bird_y += bird_y_speed * dt

##    pipe_x -= 60 * dt
##    if (pipe_x + pipe_width) < 0:
##        reset_pipe()
##    if (
##        # Left edge of bird is to the left of the right edge of pipe
##        bird_x < (pipe_x + pipe_width)
##        and
##        # Right edge of bird is to the right of the left edge of pipe
##        (bird_x + bird_width) > pipe_x
##        and (
##            # Top edge of bird is above the bottom edge of first pipe segment
##            bird_y < pipe_space_y
##            or
##            # Bottom edge of bird is below the top edge of second pipe segment
##            (bird_y + bird_height) > (pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height)
##        )
##    ):
##        # Temporary
##        reset_pipe()

def on_key_down():
    global bird_y_speed

    if bird_y > 0:
        bird_y_speed = -165

    # Temporary
    global pipe_1_space_y
    global pipe_2_space_y
    pipe_1_space_y = new_pipe_space_y()
    pipe_2_space_y = new_pipe_space_y()

def draw():
    screen.fill((0, 0, 0))

            (0, 0),
            (playing_area_width, playing_area_height)
        color=(35, 92, 118)

            (bird_x, bird_y),
            (bird_width, bird_height)
        color=(224, 214, 68)

    def draw_pipe(pipe_x, pipe_space_y):
                (pipe_x, 0),
                (pipe_width, pipe_space_y)
            color=(94, 201, 72)

                (pipe_x, pipe_space_y + pipe_space_height),
                (pipe_width, playing_area_height - pipe_space_y - pipe_space_height)
            color=(94, 201, 72)

    draw_pipe(pipe_1_x, pipe_1_space_y)
    draw_pipe(pipe_2_x, pipe_2_space_y)